Friday, April 27, 2018

Experiencing God’s Painstaking Care for Man’s Salvation in Disaster

Experiencing God’s Painstaking Care for Man’s Salvation in Disaster

 Muling, Beijing
August 16, 2012

On July 21, 2012, Beijing saw the heaviest fall of rain in sixty years. In that torrential downpour I saw God’s deeds and saw how He saves man.

On that afternoon my three sisters and I had met up. Outside the rain was continuing to pour down. At 4:30 p.m. my husband, who was not a believer, came back telling us that there was so much water at the roundabout that people couldn’t ride through. Even so, at 5:00 p.m. he went off in a great hurry to his night shift. At the time I didn’t feel anything odd, and went to make dinner as usual. At 7:00 p.m. our tenant suddenly knocked on the door calling out to me, and when I went out to have a look, what I saw gave me the shock of my life: The rainwater had already filled the courtyard and was entering the east and west wings of the house, while the water on the ground continued to rise. My son and I tried to block the flow of water, but to no avail. In desperation, I knelt down in the water, calling out to God, “Oh God, I beg You to open a way out for me.” Right at this moment my husband’s company called and asked whether he was at home, and as I took the call water was already coming into the main part of the house. I realized now how serious things were, and started to worry about my husband having no idea what had happened to him. I knelt again in the water to call upon God in my anxiety, “Oh God! It’s only in facing this flash flood that I feel for myself Your anger, and realize my own rebelliousness and betrayal. You would have us turn our hearts toward You, and live easily relying upon You, yet I still hold onto family, my husband and child and don’t let go. Oh God! It’s only now I understand that between human beings no one can bring anything to anyone, and no one can save anyone; I only count upon You. My husband has been more than 4 hours on the way to work, but has yet to arrive at the company, and I don’t know what might have happened on the way. I willingly entrust him into Your hands, and whatever happens, I willingly obey Your orchestration and arrangement!” I continued to pray like this over and over, and around 9:00 p.m. my husband suddenly stood before me completely soaked. I thanked God unceasingly in my heart for saving him. At this time the water in the room was already up to the base of my thigh and I took my husband saying, “Pray together with me, our life is God’s to give.” My husband nodded agreement, and we knelt down in the water together in prayer. As we were praying, I suddenly heard our tenant shouting, “The water’s subsiding! It’s subsiding!” In my heart I was thrilled; outside the rain was coming down, so how could the water be subsiding? This was God’s almightiness! How very lovely, how very trustworthy is God; He loves man so very much. We are so insignificant and rebellious, God pities us so, and heeds our cries and saves us from calamity. I really do not know what words could express my gratitude to and adoration of God.
After this heavy rain, my husband, my mother-in-law and my colleagues also believed in God, and I thanked God for their salvation. Through this experience I truly understood that God brings down disasters not to destroy mankind but to effect its salvation. On the one hand, He gives a wake-up call to us, the blind and rebellious children who believe in Him yet are half-hearted and deceive and betray Him. On the other hand, it is more to save all the poor souls who originally were His but are still living under Satan’s domain. This means of salvation contains so much of God’s painstaking care. As the words of God say: “Today, not only am I descending upon the nation of the great red dragon, I am also turning My face toward the entire universe, so that the whole empyrean is quaking. Is there a single place that does not undergo My judgment? Is there a single place that does not exist under the scourges that I hurl down? Everywhere I go I have scattered seeds of disaster of all kinds. This is one of the ways in which I work, and is without doubt an act of salvation for man, and what I extend to him is still a kind of love. I wish to make even more people come to know Me, be able to see Me, and in this way come to revere God whom they have not seen for so many years but who, today, is real” (“The Tenth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh). I cannot help but offer my praise to God again: “Oh God, Your love is so real, for I have seen that no matter what You do it is all to save us. Now I appreciate Your almightiness and wisdom and see Your love, Your salvation, and even more see clearly Your eager intentions. I can no longer be indifferent and ungrateful. I only wish to give my all to spread Your kingdom gospel, to bring back more lost souls to Your family, and by means of this to truly dedicate my heart to You in return for Your great love!”

Know more:
What is incarnation

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